Sick of Flags
This is my exhortation to the people.
To the citizens of the four corners, and the in-betweens.
To you, fourth of July Patriots.
And to you Proud, preening-
To the alabaster opportunists
all of your lost causes.
Your artifacts of dis-unity.
The old, and terrible glory
of all the brave blue lines, and cross-purposed symbols
For the demagogues and disciples.
And about the songs, you sing to each other -
and to the indifferent air we share.
All of your symbols of blood, soil, and
are a parody of honor.
An irrational love,
and a bold and bellicose affront-
Even the talismans of your heritage are only a bridge-
a way to a still-born inheritance.
You hold up thin fabric to puff, flutter, and whither with the breeze.
Your banners-are sacramental symbols for simple despots,
and props for the idolatrous civic rituals that degrade by degrees
our general welfare.
These symbols of (dis)unity are why I am sick of flags.